Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse and Addiction, from the Parent Addiction Network
Signs – Signals of Drug Abuse
How do I know if my child is using drugs or is addicted? In general, be aware of any change in your child's behavior – truancy, falling grades, change in friends. Here are some signs you may see:
Strange behavior: extremely happy or depressed for no apparent reason; mood swings; hostile, angry, uncooperative; not wanting to be around family/home or those who would be hurt by their use
Messy, careless appearance, poor hygiene
Dishonesty, lies
Nodding OUT (chin on chest, sleepy, slow to respond)
Sleeplessness; sleep all day/up all night
Tired, lethargic, lack of concentration
Forgetfulness: losing everyday things such as car keys, wallet, money
Disinterest in hobbies, sports, family activities
Cash flow problems
Secretive – phone calls, locked bedroom door, strange numbers on cell phone
Red or glassy eyes; dilated pupils; pinpoint pupils (opiates/heroin)
Weight loss; rarely eat meals
Missing money, jewelry, equipment (sell at pawn shop)
Checks taken from center of checkbook
Burn holes in clothing, bedding, furniture
Dings and dents on car; burn holes in car; blood stains in car/on clothing
Straws cut in half, empty pens (for snorting)
Pill bottles
Small folded wrappers, empty small baggies; breath mint containers; corners of baggies; small pieces of tinfoil; gem packs, pill capsules broken in half
Small glass vials
Wide rubber bands (to tie arm)
See also:
NIDA for Teens (url; site for teens and parents by the National Institute on Drug Abuse)
How can I tell if my child is using (pdf; NCADA)
Look for signs and signals (url;
Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use (url; )
Am I an Addict? (pdf) Written by recovering addicts in Narcotics Anonymous